Constantine the Great coin

Carthage and the Quinquegentiani

The Quinquegentiani (People of the Five Tribes) were a confederation of Berbers in North Africa. They were under Roman rule, but rebelled in A.D. 289 and were successful for a few years until Maximianus Herculius launched a series of devastating attacks starting in A.D. 296-297 and finishing in A.D. 298, after which, the Quinquegentiani were never heard of again. "On 10 March (A.D. 298) Herculius entered Carthage in triumph after the completion of his African campaign"  (RIC VI pg 23)

History makes little mention of the Quinquegentiani-- “Maximianus Augustus, too, ended the war in Africa by crushing the Quinquegentiani and compelling them to make peace.” (Eutropius pg 62)

The coinage from Carthage struck during this period references the campaign against the Quinquegentiani as the mint was only opened because of the war. When Maximianus arrived in Carthage sometime in 296- 297, he needed to open a mint to have funds to pay for the war. The types struck in Carthage were also specific to the city and not struck anywhere else in the Empire. The coin type commonly struck throughout the Empire at this time was the GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, a type which Carthage did not even strike. The coins that Carthage minted were specific to the city of Carthage and current events, like FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN and SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS (AVCTA) (FEL) KART which all reference the campaign and demonstrate how grateful the citizens of Carthage were to Maximianus for their salvation from the Quinquegentiani.

"The reverses of either kind, are to be referred to Herculius' presence in Africa, his successes against the Quinquegentiani, and in particular his final and triumphal prescence in Carthage itself, where he was in residence as late as March 298." (RIC VI pg 415)

Trier also issued a type which referenced these events- the FORTVNAE REDVCI reverse "these should echo the successful termination of Constantius' Rhenish campaigns by 299 and of Herculius' African campaign (followed by his visit to Rome) in 298" (RIC VI pg 149)

In A.D. 306, Maxentius took control of Carthage and continued to strike the SALVIS type; but he also struck some new reverse types that I believe also reference the victory over the Quinquegentiani. Maxentius struck these in the names of all the rulers, but most importantly, in the name of his father—Maximianus Herculius. This was an attempt by Maxentius to remind the people of Carthage who he was related to and that they perhaps owed him also. The types were CONSERVATORES KART SVAE and CONSERVATORES AFRICAE SVAE

some notes on Carthage style

"The fact that the mint of Carthage was established in sudden connection with military needs explains its reflection of the style of Rome in its portraiture- it would have been natural that models should be supplied from Rome to Carthage- and perhaps also the rapid sequence of aes issues. But, although Carthage may have drawn on Roman portrait models and certainly borrowed from Rome a system of officina- marking which assigned formal seniority to the four rulers, the types used by Carthage in all three metals were peculiar to herself...Genio Populi Romani never appears at Carthage, either during the first tetrarchy or later. Moreover, in contrast to the strong, neat style of the Roman- derived obverses, the reverse of Carthage coins show a treatment, much less skilled or sophisticated, which appears to mark them out as the products of local engravers little touched by metropolitan influences." (RIC VI)

Another particular aspect is that these Carthage issues usually have a ragged flan, due to the way they were cast. At all the mints, flans were cast; but at Carthage they were cast more roughly. They seem to have been sand cast or perhaps rough clay moulds were used by Carthage mint workers.

Maxentius shut down the mint at Carthage in A.D. 307, but it was re-opened during the revolt of Domitius Alexander for a few years (A.D. 308- 311) before Maxentius defeated him. After Constantine defeated Maxentius in A.D. 312, there was no more need for a mint in Carthage, and it never re-opened during the Constantinian period.

The first Tetrarchy-- Group 1
A.D. 296- 305
Augustii-- Diocletian, Maximianus
Caesars-- Constantius I, Galerius

FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN -- The welcome arrival of our Emperors

  Some of these coins have an H or an I in the reverse fields. These are the first letter of the names of the Roman gods Hercules and Jupiter (Jove). Diocletian and Maximianus claimed lineage with the gods- Diocletian was in the family of Jupiter and Maximianus was in the family of Hercules. Their respective Caesar was also related to the  deity.

"Where now are the surnames of the Jovii and the Herculii, once so glorious and renowned among the nations; surnames insolently assumed at first by Diocles and Maximian, and afterwards transferred to their successors?"  Lactantius LII

Carthage also struck some fractional bronze coinage-- VOT X (for Caesars) and VOT XX (for Augustii)
circa A.D. 303 to celebrate anniversaries. These coins have an FK on the reverse for FELIX KARTHAGO-- Happy Carthage.

The workshops at Carthage are assigned in an orderly fashion, with the first workshop going to most senior ruler and so on.
At first (during A.D. 296) there were three workshops (P,S,T) and the Caesars shared the third workshop. Shortly a fourth workshop (Q) was added, which was used for the junior Caesar. The use of Roman numbered workshops (Prima, Secunda, Tertia, Quarta) stopped in A.D. 297, and Carthage started using Greek numbers for the four workshops-- A,B, Γ Δ, still assigning workshops based on seniority. So for the first Tetrarchy (Group 1), the order was Diocletian (A), Maximianus (B), Constantius (Γ) and Galerius (Δ). For Group 2 the order was Constantius (A), Galerius (B), Severus (Γ), and Maximinus (Δ). This pattern continues until A.D. 306 and then there are only a few exceptions-- some abdication issues with PROVIDENTIA DEORVM QVIES AVGG types and some of the issues under Maxentius in Group 4. 

A.D. 297
26mm 9.1g
IMP DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG; laureate head right.
FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN; Africa standing left, holding labarum and tusk; at feet, lion with captured bull, in left field A
in ex. PKP
RIC VI Carthage 21a

Ex Rauceby Hoard 2017

Diocletian FELIX
                      ADVENT AVGG NN Carthage 21

A.D. 297- 298
26mm   8.4gm
IMP DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG; laureate head right.
FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN; Africa standing left, holding labarum and tusk; at feet, lion with captured bull, in left field I
in ex. PKP
RIC VI Carthage 23a 

Diocletian FELIX
                      ADVENT AVGG NN Carthage 23a

A.D. 297- 298
26x29mm     9.4g
IMP DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG; laureate bust right.
FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN; Africa standing left, holding labarum and tusk; at feet, lion with captured bull, in right field I.
In ex. PKA
RIC VI Carthage 25a 

Diocletian FELIX
                      ADVENT AVGG NN Carthage 25a

A.D. 303
22x23mm    3.4g
IMP C DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG; Radiate, draped and draped bust at right.
VOT XX FK; three lines in wreath.
RIC VI Carthage 37a 

Diocletian VOT XX

A.D. 297- 298
27x28mm      8.3g
IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG; laureate head right.
FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN; Africa standing left, holding labarum and tusk; at feet, lion with captured bull, in left field H.
in ex. PKS
RIC VI Carthage 23b 

Maximianus FELIX
                      ADVENT AVGG NN Carthage 23b

A.D. 297- 298
26x29mm    10.4gm
IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG; laureate head right.

FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN; Africa standing left, holding labarum and tusk; at feet, lion with captured bull, in left field H.
in ex. PKB
RIC VI Carthage 25b  

Maximianus FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN Carthage 25b

A.D. 297- 298
25x28mm   9.7g
IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG; laureate head right.
FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN; Africa standing left, holding labarum and tusk; at feet, lion with captured bull, in right field H.
in ex. PKB
RIC VI Carthage 25b

Maximianus FELIX
                      ADVENT AVGG NN Carthage 25b

A.D. 303
22x23mm     2.3g
IMP C MAXIMIANVS P F AVG; Radiate and draped bust at right.
VOT XX FK; three lines in wreath.
RIC VI Carthage 37b 
Maximianus VOT XX FK Carthage 37b

Constantius I
Constantius I
AD 296- 298
AR Argenteus
18mm   2.7g
CONSTANTIVS CAES; Laureate head right
F ADVENT AVGG NN; Africa standing facing, head left, holding standard and tusk; at her feet, lion standing left, head right, with bucranium to left.
In ex. T
RIC VI 14a

Ex-Charles Oman collection

Constantius I F
                        ADVENT AVGG NN RIC VI 14a

Constantius I
A.D. 297
26x28mm       9.1g
CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN; Africa standing left, holding labarum and tusk; at feet, lion with captured bull, in left field Γ.
 In ex PKT
RIC VI Carthage 22a

Constantius I FELIX
                      ADVENT AVGG NN Carthage 22a

Constantius I
A.D. 297- 298
26x28mm      8.4g
CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.

FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN; Africa standing left, holding labarum and tusk; at feet, lion with captured bull, in left field H.
 In ex PKΓ
RIC VI Carthage 26a

Constantius I FELIX
                      ADVENT AVGG NN Carthage 26a

Constantius I
A.D. 297- 298
27x28mm      10.0g
CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN; Africa standing left, holding labarum and tusk; at feet, lion with captured bull, in right field H.
 In ex PKΓ
RIC VI Carthage 26a

Constantius I
                      FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN Carthage 26a

Constantius I
A.D. 303
Ӕ fraction
20x22mm     2.6g
FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB C; Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
VOT X FK; three lines in wreath.
RIC VI Carthage 35a 

Constantius I VOT X
                      FK Carthage 35a

A.D. 297
28mm    9.4g
MAXIMIANVS NOB CAES, Laureate bust right.

FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN; Africa standing left, holding labarum and tusk; at feet, lion with captured bull; Δ in left field.
In ex. PKQ
RIC VI Carthage 22b 

Galerius FELIX
                      ADVENT AVGG NN Carthage 22b

A.D. 297-298
30mm    9.6g
MAXIMIANVS NOB CAES, Laureate bust right.
FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN; Africa standing left, holding labarum and tusk; at feet, lion with captured bull; I in left field.
In ex. PKQ 
RIC VI Carthage 24b

Galerius FELIX
                      ADVENT AVGG NN Carthage 24b

A.D. 297-298
28x29mm    9.7g
MAXIMIANVS NOB CAES, Laureate bust right.
FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN; Africa standing left, holding labarum and tusk; at feet, lion with captured bull; I in left field.
In ex. PKΔ  
RIC VI Carthage 26b

Galerius FELIX
                      ADVENT AVGG NN Carthage 26b

A.D. 297-298
26mm    10.3g
MAXIMIANVS NOB CAES, Laureate bust right.
FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN; Africa standing left, holding labarum and tusk; at feet, lion with captured bull; I in right field.
In ex. PKΔ 
RIC VI Carthage 26b

Galerius FELIX
                      ADVENT AVGG NN Carthage 26b

A.D. 303
Ӕ fraction
20x22mm     2.7g
GAL VAL MAXIMIANVS NOB C; Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
VOT X FK; three lines in wreath.
RIC VI Carthage 35b

Galerius VOT X
                      Carthage 35b

SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS (AVCTA) (FEL) KART -- With the Emperor and Caesars being safe, happy Carthage is strengthened.

Some of the references below have two RIC numbers. That is because RIC breaks up this issue by portrait head size. Numbers 29-30 are smaller and 31- 32 are larger. In the footnotes though, RIC states "Elmer, N.Z. 1932, divided this issue into two sections, with portraits small or less small and with Carthago thin or larger--distinctions which are very difficult to maintain. It is likely that, if the issue was of any duration, these differences came about to some extent by natural variation and development." So, these coins should not have been given separate RIC numbers as it is too hard to differentiate them; which is why they are catalogued like Carthage 29a/31a below.

Carthage is described as holding fruits in both hands, though sometimes it looks like grain. Sometimes it seems to be a combination of both. The fruit/ grain is usually held dangling from the hands, but sometimes points up, like a stalk of grain. Sometimes one hand holds the object pointed up and the other hand holds it pointed down.

Carthage fruits

Kos, Peter. The Carthage Aes Nummi of the First Tetrarchy. Studia Numismatica Labacensia (1988) 99-108.

A.D. 298-303
27x29mm    9.3g
IMP DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG; Laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands.
In ex. A
RIC VI Carthage 29a/31a

                      SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 29a/31a

A.D. 298- 303
26x29mm      9.3g
IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG; Laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS AVCTA KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands.
In ex. B
RIC VI Carthage 27b

Maximianus SALVIS
                      AVGG ET CAESS AVCTA KART Carthage 27b

A.D. 298-303
28mm      10.4g
IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG; Laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands.
In ex. B
RIC VI Carthage 29b/31b

                      Carthage 29b/31b

A.D. 298-303
28mm      9.8g
IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG; Laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands.
In ex. B
RIC VI Carthage 29b/31b

                        SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 29b/31b

A.D. 303
27mm       11.2g
IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG; Laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands; H in left field.
In ex. B
RIC VI Carthage 33b

Maximianus SALVIS
                      AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 33b

Constantius I
Constantius I
A.D. 298- 299
26x28mm      10.00g
CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS AVCTA KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands.
In ex Γ
RIC VI Carthage 28a

Constantius I
                      SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS AVCTA KART Carthage 28a

Constantius I
A.D. 298- 303
26x27mm     8.4g
CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands.
In ex Γ
RIC VI Carthage 30a/ 32a

Constantius I
                      SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 30a/32a

Constantius I
A.D. 298- 303
27mm      9.2g
CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands.
In ex Γ
RIC VI Carthage 30a/ 32a

                      Carthage 30a/32a

Constantius I
A.D. 303
30mm 9.0g
CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands; H in left field.
In ex Γ
RIC VI Carthage 34a


Constantius I
                      SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 34a

A.D. 298- 303
27x30mm      8.6g
MAXIMIANVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands.
In ex. Δ
RIC VI Carthage 30b/32b 

                      SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 30b/32b

A.D. 298-303
25x28mm     9.5g
MAXIMIANVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands.
In ex. Δ
RIC VI Carthage 30/32b

                      SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 30b/32b

The 2nd Tetrarchy-- Group 2
A.D. May 305- July 306
Augusti-- Constantius I, Galerius
Caesars-- Severus, Maximinus II
Seniors-- Diocletian, Maximianus

Constantius I
Constantius I
A.D. 305- 306
26x27mm       11.4g
IMP CONSTANTIVS P F AVG; Laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands; H in left field.
In ex. A
RIC VI Carthage 39a

Constantius I
                      SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 39a

A.D. 305- 306
26x31mm     7.9g
IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG; laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands; I in left field.
In ex. B        RIC VI Carthage 39b

Galerius SALVIS
                      AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 39b

Severus II
Severus II
A.D. 305- 306
27x31mm       10.4g
FL VAL SEVERVS NOB CAES; Laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands; H in left field.
In ex. Γ       RIC VI Carthage 40a

                      AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 40a

Maximinus II

Maximinus II
A.D. 305- 306
28mm      8.0g
GAL VAL MAXIMINVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands; I in left field.
In ex. Δ         RIC VI Carthage 40b

Maximinus II
                      SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 40b

Group 3
A.D. July 306- Nov 306
Augusti--  Galerius, Severus
Caesars-- Maximinus II, Constantine I
Seniors-- Diocletian, Maximianus

A.D. 306
26x28mm      8.5g
IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG; Laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands; I in left field.
In ex. A
RIC VI Carthage 43a

Galerius SALVIS
                      AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 43a

A.D. 306
29mm      8.9g
IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG; Laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands; I in left field.
In ex. A
RIC VI Carthage 43a

                      Carthage 43a

Severus II
Severus II
A.D. 306
28mm       10.7g
IMP SEVERVS P F AVG; Laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands; H in left field.
In ex. B
RIC VI Carthage 43b

                      AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 43b

Constantine I
Constantine I
A.D. 306
28x29mm    8.8g
FL VAL CONSTANTINVS NOB CAES; laureate head facing right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthago standing facing, head left in long robe, holding fruits in both hands. H in left field.
In ex. Δ
RIC VI Carthage 44b

Constantine I
                      SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 44b

Group 4
A.D. Nov 306- mid 307
Augusti--  Maximianus, Maxentius
Caesars-- Maxentius, Maximinus II, Constantine I

A.D. 307
24x25mm    6.5g
IMP MAXIMIANVS SEN AVG; laureate head right.
CONSERVATORES KART SVAE; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands, within hexastyle temple with plain pediment.
In ex. PKA
RIC VI Carthage 59

A.D. 306
28mm      10.1gm
M AVR MAXENTIVS NOB CAES; Laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands; H in left field.
In ex. Δ
RIC VI Carthage 51a
Maxentius SALVIS
                      AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 51a

A.D. 307
28mm       9.6g
IMP MAXENTIVS P F AVG; Laureate head right.
CONSERVATOR AFRICAE SVAE; Africa standing facing, head left, in long drapery with elephant skin headdress, right holding standard, left tusk, at feet to left lion with captured bull, in right field I.; SE in left field, F in right.
In ex. Γ          RIC VI Carthage 57


A.D. 307
25mm     6.6g
IMP MAXENTIVS P F AVG; laureate head right.
CONSERVATO-RES KART SVAE; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding up fruits, within hexastyle temple with unadorned pediment;
In ex. PKB
RIC VI Carthage 60


Maximinus II

Maximinus II
A.D. 305- 306
25x28mm     9.6gm
GAL VAL MAXIMINVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands; I in left field.
In ex. B
RIC VI Carthage 51b
Maximinus II SALVIS
                      AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 51b

Constantine I    
Constantine I
A.D. 306- 307
25x26mm      9.3g
FL VAL CONSTANTINVS NOB CAES; laureate head facing right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthago standing facing, head left in long robe, holding fruits in both hands. H in left field.
In ex. Γ
RIC VI Carthage 51c

Constantine I
                      SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Carthage 51c

Constantine I
A.D. 306-307
27mm     9.4g
FL VAL CONSTANTINVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
CONSERVATOR AFRICAE SVAE; Africa standing facing, head left, in long drapery with elephant skin headdress, right holding standard, left tusk, at feet to left lion with captured bull, H-ER across fields.
In ex. Δ
RIC VI Carthage 55

This coin has several reasons why it is special--

1. It's Constantine as Caesar. Maxentius was trying to ally with Constantine by issuing coins for him; though he was merely awarded the title of Caesar. Maxentius also gave Constantine the last workshop, reserved for most junior. This is also the issue that Maxentius changed his title to Augustus. So, this issue was actually a bit insulting to Constantine, meant to remind him he was most junior.

2. This series is tough to find...RIC says it is "rare to very rare"

3. The reverse legend for this type with the personification of Africa changes from FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN to CONSERVATOR AFRICAE SVAE

4. The fields have H ER for Hercules. The three rulers represented in this series were Maximianus, Maxentius and Constantine; who were all in the family of Hercules. None of these coins were struck for Maximinus, who was in the family of Jupiter.

                        Carthage 55

Constantine I
A.D. 307
27x28mm   7.8g
FL VAL CONSTANTINVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
CONSERVATOR AFRICAE SVAE; Africa standing facing, head left, in long drapery with elephant skin headdress, right holding standard, left tusk, at feet to left lion with captured bull, in right field I.; S in left field, F in right.
In ex. Δ           RIC VI Carthage --; Drost 24

                      Carthage Not in RIC Drost 24

Constantine I
A.D. 307
28mm    8.7g
FL VAL CONSTANTINVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
CONSERVATOR AFRICAE SVAE; Africa standing facing, head left, in long drapery with elephant skin headdress, right holding standard, left tusk, at feet to left lion with captured bull, in right field I.; SE in left field, F in right.
In ex. Δ           RIC VI Carthage 58

                      Carthage 58

Constantine I
A.D. 307
24x25mm     6.3g
CONSTANTINVS NOB CAES; laureate head right
CONSERVATORES KART SVAE; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands, within hexastyle temple
 with plain pediment.
In ex. PKΔ      RIC VI Carthage 61

                      Carthage 61

Constantine I
A.D. 307
26mm     6.9g
CONSTANTINVS NOB CAES; laureate head right
CONSERVATORES KART SVAE; Carthage standing facing, head left, holding fruits in both hands, within hexastyle temple
 with plain pediment.
In ex. PKΔ      RIC VI Carthage 61

Constantine I
                      CONSERVATORES KART SVAE Carthage 61

Group 5
A.D. 308- 311
Domitius Alexander

modified on 30 Jan 2025

Constantine the Great coin