Constantine the Great coin


       Collecting campgates is one of the more popular themes for Roman coin collectors. These coins cover more than one hundred and fifty years; with most of the rulers represented. There is a debate about what is actually portrayed on the reverse. Are they military campgates or city gates. The most prolific reverse type is the PROVIDENTIAE AVGG; which translates as " [In honor of] The Foresight of the Emperors." This might just merely be a slogan praising all the Emperors for the security of the Empire; so more of an abstract thought, rather than a specific type of construction. These campgates should not be confused with coins from Roman provinces; which certainly issued coins with city gates. However, the argument for campgate is strengthened by the reverse type issued by Valentinian III. This reverse was CAST VIC and castrum is a Roman camp/fort. The coins below have primarily been catalogued using the appropriate volume of "Roman Imperial Coinage." During the Constantinian period, all fifteen mints in the Roman Empire struck campgates; with most being common; making a type set that is easy to finish.


A.D. 294
AR Argenteus   18mm 3.3g
DIOCLETIANVS AVG; laureate head right.
VIRTVS MILITVM; four tetrarchs sacrificing over tripod before gate in six turreted enclosure.
RIC VI Rome 27a

                      VIRTVS MILITVM campgate from Rome

A.D. 295
AR Argenteus   19mm 3.3g
DIOCLETIANVS AVG; laureate head right.
VICTORIAE SARMATICAE; four turreted campgate, open, with doors thrown back; each turret surmounted by facing eagle.
In ex. SMNΓ
RIC VI Nicomedia 22a

Diocletian VICTORIAE SARMATICAE campgate from

Maximinus II
A.D. 308
Ӕ follis   26mm 6.1g
GAL VAL MAXIMINVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
VIRTVS MILITVM; campgate with portcullis surmounted by four turrets.
In ex. MKΓ
RIC VI Cyzicus 40

                      II VIRTVS MILITVM campgate from Cyzicus


Constantine I
A.D. 324-5
19x21mm    3.3g
CONSTANT-INVS AVG; Laureate head right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate with two turrets and
between them, • in bottom of doorway and in brick over arch.
in ex. PLON
RIC VII London 293 variation; LMCC 10.02.001

Constantine I campgate London 293


Constantine I
A.D. 324-5
19x21mm    3.3g
CONSTAN-TINVS AG; Laureate head right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate with two turrets and
between them, • in bottom of doorway.
in ex. PLON•
RIC VII London 294 variation; LMCC 10.02.002 (this coin cited and illustrated)

Constantine I campgate London 294

Constantine I
A.D. 324-5
AE nummus 19mm 3.0g
CONSTAN-TINVS AVG; Laureate head right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate with two turrets and ✶ between them.
in ex. PLG
RIC VII Lyon 225

                      I campgate Lyon 225

Constantine I
A.D. 326
AE nummus 19mm 3.2g
CONSTAN-TINVS AVG Laureate head right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate, two turrets, no doors, star above.
In ex. STR • in crescent
RIC VII Trier 475
Constantine I campgate Trier 475

Constantine I
A.D. 327
20x21mm 3.6g
CONSTAN-TINVS AVG; laureate head right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate, two turrets, no doors, star above; S-F across fields.
In ex. ARLS
RIC VII Arles 309

Constantine I VIRTVS AVGG Arles 309

Constantine I
A.D. 328
Ӕ follis   19x20mm   3.1g
CONSTAN-TINVS AVG; pearl-diademed head right.
VIRTV-S AVGG; campgate with wide open doors, four turrets, star above , across fields S-F
in ex. ARLS
RIC VII Arles 314

Constantine I VIRTVS AVGG Arles 314

Constantine I
A.D. 318- 319
19mm 2.9g
CONSTANTINVS AVG; helmet with feather crest, cuirassed bust right.
VIRTVS AVGG; campgate with no doors and three turrets; across fields P-R
In ex. RT
RIC VII Rome 167

the helmet has a crest made from feathers instead of the usual horsehair

Constantine I VIRTVS AVGG campgate Rome

Constantine I
A.D. 318- 319
18mm     2.9g
CONST-ANTINVS AVG; laureate helmet, cuirassed bust right.
VIRTV-S AVGG, campgate with three turrets and windows and closed gate, in fields P/R
In ex. RT
RIC VII Rome 176

                      I VIRTVS AVGG campgate Rome 176

Constantine I
A.D. 318- 319
18x19mm      3.1g
CONSTANTINVS AVG; bust right with feather crested helmet.
VIRTVS AVGG, campgate with three turrets and windows and closed gate, in fields P/R
In ex. RP
RIC VII Rome –

Not in RIC…Should be listed after 176

Constantine I VIRTVS AVGG campgate Rome

Constantine I
A.D. 318- 319
19mm 3.1g
CON-STANTI-NVS AVG; cuirassed and helmeted bust left, spear pointing forward and shield on left arm.
VIRTVS AVGG; campgate with closed doors and three turrets, across fields P-R
In ex. RP
RIC VII Rome 178

                      I VIRTVS AVGG campgate Rome 178

A.D. 318- 319
18x19mm    3.0gm
CRISPVS NOB CAES; laureate and cuirassed bust left, with spear pointing forward, shield on left arm.
VIRTV-S AVGG; campgate with three turrets and closed gates, arch over gates; P/R across fields.
In ex. RQ
RIC VII Rome 180
RIC lists only officina P

                        VIRTVS AVGG camp gate Rome 180

Constantine I
A.D. 318- 319
19x20mm     3.3g
CONSTANTINVS AVG; laureate helmeted and cuirassed bust right.
VIRTVS AVGG; camp gate with four turrets, across fields P-R
In ex. RP
RIC VII Rome 185

Workshop not in RIC

Constantine I VIRTVS AVGG camp gate Rome

Constantine II
A.D. 318- 319
19x20mm   3.2gm
CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
VIRTV-S AVGG; campgate with four turrets and no doors; P-R across fields.
in ex. RP
RIC VII Rome --
should come after RIC VII Rome 189

Constantine II VIRTVS AVGG campgate from

Constantine I
A.D. 318- 319
19mm     3.4g
CO-NSTANTI-NVS AVG; cuirassed and laureate helmeted bust left, spear pointing forward and shield on left.
VIRTVS AVGG; camp gate with open doors and four turrets, across fields P-R
In ex. RS
RIC VII Rome –

Not in RIC…Should be listed after 190

Constantine II VIRTVS AVGG campgate from

Constantine I
A.D. 324- 325
19mm 3.0g
CONSTAN-TINVS AVG; Laureate head right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate, two turrets, no doors, star above.
In ex. RP
RIC VII Rome 264

Constanttine I PROVIDENTIAE AVGG camp gate
                      from Rome

Constantius II
A.D. 326
19x20mm 3.6g
FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left.
PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS; campgate with two turrets and star between them.
in ex. Q crescent T
RIC VII Ticinum 201

Constantius II PROVIDENTIAE CAESS campgate
                      from Ticinum

Constantine I
A.D. 326- 327
19mm 2.5gm
CONSTANTINVS AVG; laureate head right.
DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG; campgate with two turrets, star between them.
In ex. P branch T
RIC VII Ticinum 205


Constantine I
A.D. 326- 327
18mm    3.3gm
CONSTAN-TINVS AVG; Laureate head right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; camp gate, two turrets, no doors, star above.
in ex. •BSIS•
RIC VII Siscia 200

Constanttine I PROVIDENTIAE AVGG camp gate
                        from Siscia 200

Constantine I
A.D. 328-9
18x19mm 3.1g
CONSTAN-TINVS AVG; Laureate head right
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate with 18 rows, two turrets, no doors, star above.
in ex. delta SIS double crescent
RIC VII Siscia 214

18 rows

Constanttine I PROVIDENTIAE AVGG camp gate
                        from Siscia 214

Constantine I
A.D. 326- 328
AE nummus 19mm 3.0g
CONSTAN-TINVS AVG; laureate head right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate with two turrets and star between them, dot in right.
in ex. SMTSA
RIC VII Thessalonica 153

Constanttine I PROVIDENTIAE AVGG camp gate
                      from Thessalonica 153

Licinius I
Circa A.D. 315
20mm    2.4gm
IMP LICINIVS AVG; laur., dr., globe, scepter in l. hand, mappa in r.hand.
PROVIDENTIAE AVGG NN; campgate with three turrets and no doors, A in right field.
in ex. SMHT  
RIC VII Heraclea—

The mintmark is not listed in RIC for the campgate series

Licinius I
                        PROVIDENTIAE AVGG NN from Heraclea

Constantine I
A.D. 317
AE nummus   20mm   4.0g
IMP CONSTA-NTINVS AVG; laur., dr., globe, scepter in l. hand, mappa in r.hand
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG [In honor of the foresight of the Emperors] campgate with three turrets and no doors.
in ex. MHTB
RIC VII Heraclea 16

Constantine is depicted in consular dress as he is consul for the 5th time

Constanttine I PROVIDENTIAE AVGG camp gate
                        from Heraclea 16

Constantine II
A.D. 318- 320
18mm   2.4g
D N FL CL CONSTANTINVS NOB C; laureate, draped, globe and sceptre in left hand, mappa in right hand.
PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS; campgate with three turrets and no doors, • in right field.
in ex. SMHE
RIC VII Heraclea 32

Constantine II PROVIDENTIAE CAESS Heraclea

Constantine II
A.D. 325- 326
19mm     3.5g
CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS; campgate with two turrets and star between them.
in ex. SMHΓ
RIC VII Heraclea 77

Constantine II PROVIDENTIAE CAESS Heraclea

Constantine I
A.D. 326-327
Ӕ nummus 19mm 3.4g
CONSTANTINVS AVG; Laureate head right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; camp gate, two turrets, no doors, • in archway, ✶ above; in left field A.
in ex. CONS
RIC VII Constantinople 7

Constanttine I PROVIDENTIAE AVGG camp gate
                      from Constantinople 70

A.D. 326
19mm 2.7g
CRISPVS NOB CAES; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS; campgate with two turrets and star between them; in left field B.
in ex. CONS
RIC VII Constantinople 8

                      PROVIDENTIAE CAESS camp gate from Constantinople

Constantius II
A.D. 326- 327
Ӕ nummus    18mm    2.7g
FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left.
PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS; campgate with two turrets and star between them, in left field A
in ex. CONS
RIC VII Constantinople 10/21

Both RIC numbers are identical

Constantius II PROVIDENTIAE CAESS campgate
                        Constantinople 10/21

Constantius II
A.D. 327
Ӕ nummus    19mm    3.2g
FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left.
PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS; campgate with two turrets and star between them, in left field Γ
in ex. CONS
RIC VII Constantinople 21

Constantius II PROVIDENTIAE CAESS campgate
                        Constantinople 21

Constantius II
A.D. 328
17x19mm      1.8g
FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS; campgate with two turrets and star between them, in field S
in ex. CONS•
RIC VII Constantinople 28
Not in RIC for mintmark

Constantius II PROVIDENTIAE CAESS campgate
                        Constantinople 28

A.D. 324-325
19mm 3.1gm
FL IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left.
PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS; campgate with two turrets and star between them.
in ex. SMNB
RIC VII Nicomedia 91

                        PROVIDENTIAE CAESS gate Nicomedia 91

Constantine I
A.D. 325-6
18x19mm 3.3g
CONSTAN-TINVS AVG; Laureate head right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate, two turrets, no doors, star above.
In ex. MNΔ
RIC VII Nicomedia 121

Ex Giovanni Dattari (1858-1923)

Constanttine I PROVIDENTIAE AVGG camp gate
                        from Nicomedia 121

Constantius II
A.D. 325- 326
18mm 2.8gm
FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left.
PROVIDEN-TIAE CAES •; campgate with two turrets and star between them; • in doorway.
in ex. MNS
cf. RIC VII Nicomedia 128

unusual dot in arch of doorway


Constantine I
A.D. 326-7
19mm   3.0g
CONSTAN-TINVS AVG; Laureate head right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate, two turrets, no doors, star above.
In ex. NE
RIC VII Nicomedia 144

Constanttine I PROVIDENTIAE AVGG camp gate
                        from Nicomedia 144

Constantius II
A.D. 325-6
18x19mm 3.3g
FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C; Laureate draped and cuirassed bust left.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate, two turrets, no doors, star above.
In ex. SMNΔ
RIC VII Nicomedia --

This Constantius II is paired with a reverse for Constantine I. The reverse is either RIC VII Nicomedia 90 (A.D. 324- 5) or RIC VII Nicomedia 155 (A.D. 328- 9)

Constantius II PROVIDENTIAE AVGG campgate
                        from Nicomedia mule

Constantius II
A.D. 328- 329
Ӕ nummus 18x19mm 2.9gm
FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C; bare- headed, draped and cuirassed bust left.
PROVIDEN-TIAE CAES •; campgate with two turrets and star between them.
in ex. SMNΔ
RIC VII Nicomedia --

Not in RIC for the bare-headed bust

Constantius II PROVIDENTIAE CAES Nicomedia
                        bare-headed bust

Constantine I
A.D. 324-325
18mm    3.5g
CONSTAN-TINVS AVG; Laureate head right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate, two turrets, no doors, star above.
In ex. SMKΓ
RIC VII Cyzicus 24

Constanttine I PROVIDENTIAE AVGG camp gate
                        from Cyzicus 24

Constantine II
A.D. 325- 326
Ӕ nummus 18x19mm 3.8gm
CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate with two turrets and star between them.
in ex. SMKE•
cf. RIC VII Cyzicus 37

mule…paired with a Constantine I reverse (RIC VII Cyzicus 34)

Constantine II PROVIDENTIAE AVGG campgate
                        from Cyzicus mule

Constantius II
A.D. 326- 327
19x20mm     3.2g
FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C; Laureate (resembles pearls), draped and cuirassed bust left.
PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS; campgate with two turrets and star between them.
in ex. •SMKΔ•
RIC VII Cyzicus 48

Constantius II PROVIDENTIAE CAESS camp gate
                        Cyzicus 48

Constantine II
A.D. 327- 328
Ӕ nummus 17x19mm 2.6gm
CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C; Laureate (resembles pearls) and draped bust left, with buckler on left shoulder.
PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS; campgate with two turrets and star between them; • in left.
in ex. SMKΓ
cf. RIC VII Cyzicus 52

Not in RIC with buckler...though the plate coin also has a buckler


Constantine I
A.D. 328-9
18x20mm    3.1g
CONSTAN-TINVS AVG; diademed head, looking up to Heavens.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVG; campgate with two turrets and star above.
In exergue SMKB •     
RIC VII Cyzicus 57  

Constantine I PROVIDENTIAE AVG Cyzicus 57

Constantine I
A.D. 329- 330
17x18mm 2.3gm
CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG; rosette- diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate, two turrets, no doors, star above.
In ex. SMKS
RIC VII Cyzicus 61

Ex Giovanni Dattari

Constanttine I PROVIDENTIAE AVGG camp gate
                        from Cyzicus 61

Constantine II
A.D. 330
19mm    3.1gm
CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB CAES; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left.
PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS; campgate with two turrets and star between them.
in ex. SMANTS
RIC VII Antioch 65


Constantine I
A.D. 327- 328
AE nummus 19mm 3.1g
CONSTAN-TINVS AVG; diademed head right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate, two turrets, no doors, star above; delta- epsilon across fields.
In ex. SMANT
RIC VII Antioch 78

Constanttine I PROVIDENTIAE AVGG camp gate
                      from Antioch 78

Constantine I
A.D. 327- 328
Ӕ nummus   19mm     3.2g
CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG; rosette diademed, draped and cuirassed bust.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate, two turrets, no doors, star above.
RIC VII Antioch 84

Constanttine I PROVIDENTIAE AVGG camp gate
                        from Antioch 84

Constantine I
A.D. 325- 326
AE nummus 19mm 3.5g
CONSTAN-TINVS AVG; laureate head right.
PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG; campgate, two turrets, no doors, star above.
In ex. SMALB
RIC VII Alexandria 34

Constanttine I PROVIDENTIAE AVGG camp gate
                      from Alexandria 34

Constantius II
A.D. 325- 6
19mm  3.4gm
FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left.
PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS; campgate with two turrets, star above.
In ex. SMALB
RIC VII Alexandria 37

Constantius II PROVIDENTIAE CAESS campgate
                        Alexandria 37


A.D. 364- 378
Ӕ nummus   22mm    4.4g
D N VALEN-S P F AVG; pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right.
GLORI-A ROMA-NORVM; campgate with two turrets, no doors; S above.
in ex. SMTR
RIC IX Trier 29b

                      ROMANORVM campgate from Trier

Theodosius I
A.D. 384- 388
20mm   2.3g
DN THEODO-SIVS PF AVG; pearl diademed, draped in imperial mantle, holding mappa and scepter.
GLORIA REI-PVBLICE; campgate with two turrets, Tau-Rho between them.
In ex. TES
RIC IX Thessalonica 59b

Theodosius I GLORIA REIPVBLICE campgate from

A.D. 384- 388
12mm    1.1gm
DN ARCADIVS P F AVG; pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right.
GLORIA REIPVBLICE; campgate with windows and two turrets gamma in left.
In ex. TES
RIC IX Thessalonica 62

Note the two windows

Arcadius GLORIA REIPVBLICE campgate
                        Thessalonica 62


Valentinian III
A.D. 425-455
11mm   1.2g
[D N VALEN AVG]; pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right.
[CAST] VIC; campgate with no doors and two turrets, star above.
RIC X Rome 2163

Valentinian III CAST VIC campgate from Rome

unofficial Campgates

Constantine I, 307/310-337. Follis (Bronze, 21 mm, 2.9g ), a contemporary imitation of an issue from Arelate. Irregular mint, after 324. CONSTAN-TINVS A[VG] Laureate head of Constantine I to right. Rev. [PRO]VIDEN-TIAE CAESS / [...]✱AR Campgate with open doors and two turrets; above, star. Cf. RIC 264 (for prototype).

This unofficial issue pairs a Constantine I obverse with a Caesar reverse. It was struck over a Cyzikus IOVI coin, RIC VII 15. The original legend C VAL LICIN LICI remains visible on the obverse, along with part of a radiate head; on the reverse, IOVI CON_ and the mint mark SMK_ are discernible.

The Licinius coin had been withdrawn from circulation in Constantine's territory. By overstriking it with a western type, the irregular mint allowed it to re-enter circulation.

Constantine I unofficial campgate Arles
                      overstruck IOVI Licinius

Constantine I
Circa A.D. 327
18mm   2.3g
CONSTANTINVS AVG; Laureate head right.
[PROVIDENTIAE AVGG]; camp gate with two turrets and star between them.
In ex. ARTS
Cf. RIC VII Arles 312

Constantine I unofficial campgate Arles

Constantine I
Circa A.D. 327
15x19mm 2.1g
CONSTA-NTINVS AV; laureate head right.
VIRTVS CAESS; gateway with wide open doors, four turrets, star above; S-F across fields.
In ex. ARLT•
Cf. RIC VII Arles 315

from the Carleton St Peter Hoard

Constantine I VIRTVS CAESS unofficial
                      campgate Carleton St Peter Hoard

circa A.D. 294
17x18mm 2.4g
DIOCLETIANVS AVG; laureate head right.
VIRTVS MILITVM; four tetrarchs sacrificing over tripod before gate in six turreted enclosure.
cf. RIC VI Rome 27a

Diocletian VIRTVS MILITVM unofficial campgate

Constantine II
A.D. 326
18x19mm   2.6gm
CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left.
PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS; camp gate with two turrets and star between them.
In ex. T crescent T
Cf. RIC VII Ticinum 200

Constantine II unofficial campgate Ticinum

modified on 10 Feb 2025

Constantine the Great coin